Data processing premises (data centers) are the crucial technical environments in many sectors such as carrier-neutral data center, Finance and Telecommunication. They are data centers, IT facilities, server rooms, dealing areas, call centers, etc. These areas tend towards a safety “24/7” 0 defect. A non-detected water leak can be extremely detrimental with the exploitation and generate very important financial consequences. Therefore, a fully addressable water leak locating detection system to our control panel digital control unit is the ideal choice to protect these areas.
The nuclear reactors, production lines, technical rooms,
server rooms, as well as laboratories, storage areas
are the sensitive environments in industry. - TECHNICAL ROOMS
The technical rooms such as UPS room, assure the normal function of the whole building after the power failure. The leakage water once in contact with UPS would paralyze the backup system, causing serious data loss. Therefore, ensuring that they are permanently protected from water leaks or acid leaks is critical. Other examples of this kind of area are switch rooms, battery rooms, risers, as well as production lines in industrial premises.
Water Leakage detection systems are used in numerous airport terminals and buildings, air control towers, tunnels and subway terminals to ensure a continuous protection of the sensitive areas such as server room, offices and technical rooms from the liquid leaks (water leak detection – acid leak detection).
A cleanroom is typically used in manufacturing or scientific research. The large cleanrooms with factory floors covering thousands of square meters are used extensively in semiconductor manufacturing, biotechnology and other fields. They are very sensitive to environmental contamination. Inet, has supplied leak detection and location systems to numerous cleanrooms, semi-conductor and wafer manufacturing plants.
Air-conditionings, fire water pipes, pantries, windows, ceiling, etc, the potential leak sources are both inside and outside the rooms. Once the leakage moves and floods electric wires, it will cause personal injury and financial losses. Our products water leakage detection offers a variety of detection solutions for areas such as offices, museums, storage / archive areas, libraries, hospitals, shopping centers and hotels.